Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Ten children from the different mission areas received their First Communion on May 16, 2010 at St. James Chapel. These children were either patients or siblings or grandchildren of patients from the various medical missions. What a blessed, joyful day!

Liziel Jurane

"Soul of my Savior, sanctify my breast"

"Body of Christ, be Thou my saving Guest..."

These children were among the 80 catechism pupils who were preparing for First Communion. Having passed the evaluation, they received the Sacrament ahead of the others.

The children who passed the first round of evaluation.

These three little boys posing with Mathilde and Aldy, their catechist, (also a mission patient)
are hoping to be among the next group who will receive their First Communion.





And they'll know we are Christians by our love....
by our love, yes,

they'll know we are Christians

by our

l o v e.